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Procedures! Powerpoints! Posters!

Writer: Miss Carleton Miss Carleton

Updated: Feb 1, 2018

O n l y 4 more sleeps until S T E M starts!

The classroom is officially ready, lessons are officially ready, and I am as r e a d y as I’ll e v e r be! I have moved the room around 3 or 4 times to make it perfect and will probably change it again after Monday.

Students will be working with partners and each partner group has a basket! In each basket there will be the m a t e r I a i s that the students will need for the day and a

check list to make sure those materials make it back at the end of the day. For example, there are 4 pencils, name tags, and job cards for w e e k o n e ! I have created and labeled name tags for each student in every class with their name, teacher name, and grade level. They will be able to pull out their name tags at the beginning of each class or the previous class will set them up for them (depending on time and grade level). When we get into electronics, there will be m o r e supplies in the bucket for each circuit or project they will be performing.

Each table is also color coded with their basket colors for when the groups need to be more than two people.

To ensure that class runs quickly and smoothly, I have created powerpoint presentations for every lesson. These keep me on task and are a great visual for students. I have followed the program's format, but added some extra graphics and bitmoji fun! Here are the links to PDF versions of the powerpoints!

To reinforce what is taught through the powerpoint presentations, I have created anchor charts for each lesson (some even 3D)! I split the back part of my room into a k-2 section and a 3-5 section. Each side has a bulletin board with a word wall, an anchor chart, and a book shelf with the weeks materials.

C A N N O T wait for next WEEK!




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