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Science. Technology. Engineering. Math... Oh My!

Writer: Miss Carleton Miss Carleton

Starting a new S T E M program is no easy task... but it is my new adventure in 2 0 1 8!

I have taught Middle School Science for 5 y e a r s with a little ELA and Math sprinkled in. I also spent a semester teaching 8th grade STEM, but now have the opportunity to create a b r a n d n e w elementary STEM program.

WHERE DO YOU BEGIN?! Well pinterest of course! From there I was able to find great classroom management ideas and resources for a STEM room (check out my STEM board). I also found some great techniques for teaching elementary students. With all middle school experience on my resume, the transition to elementary was going to be a large hurdle.

After pinterest searching, I went into the classrooms of my future students! I met them, observed them and learned how to work with elementary students of all ages.

Next came curriculum planning and luckily there was a great team in place! Combining myself, Delia Bush (other stem teacher), two STEM consultants from the ISD and supportive administration we were unstoppable! So much equipment was ordered and many meetings took place to outline the best way to it.

Outline for the remaining school year: C o d i n g and E l e c t r o n i c s

Next year we will add: R o b o t i c s and E n g i n e e r D e s i g n

The posts on this blog will go into detail about these units and resources I have either created or strongly recommend!

I hope you all E N J O Y!




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